2025 Young Life
TopGolf Tournament 
and Silent Auction 

Friday, Mar. 7
7:00 PM
TopGolf Lake Mary

Join us for our 5th Annual Young Life TopGolf TopContender Tournament and Silent Auction.  Not able to make it?  You can still help support Young Life Seminole County.

The evening will include dinner, drinks, silent auction, laughs (probably some tears), and a chance to compete for a team prize of a 3-month TopGolf Platinum Elite 5-6 Membership.

7:00 pm - Check-In / Dinner
7:30 pm - Tournament Begins
9:15 pm - Silent Auction Ends
9:30 pm - Tournament Ends
9:45 pm - Awards & Recognition

1. BBQ Dinner, Dessert, and Drinks
2. Two Drink Tickets for Beer or Wine
3. Lifetime TopGolf Membership
4. Participation in TopContender Tournament
5. Chance to Win Team Trophies (Top 3 Teams)
6. Opportunity to Win 3-Month Platinum Membership (1st Place Team)
7. Use of Golf Clubs (or bring your own)

All proceeds go to help Young Life Seminole County as we work to impact the lives of teenagers in Seminole County.  Young Life is a 501c(3) organization.

Event Sponsor - TBD
Meal Sponsors -
Avanti Wealth Management
Drink Sponsors - 
Premier Pools of Central Florida, Inc.
Silent Auction Sponsors - 

Current Bay Sponsors
GA Repple & Company
Sanford Insurance Center
Superior Hardware Products, Inc.

Annual Young Life Gold Sponsors

Registration and sponsorship information is listed below.  Email [email protected] if you've got questions.

Golfer #1

  • Your logo on all promotional items (flyers, website, social media), 1 Bay, up to 6 golfers, 8x10 signage on registration table 8x10 signage on all bay tables, company logo on all bay monitors, company promotional swag in bags to all golfers, static display of your logo on 2 TVs in banquet hall, public mention at the awards ceremony, opportunity to share about your company during awards ceremony.
    Each of your golfs receives dinner, 2 beer/wine tickets, lifetime TopGolf membership, and tournament play.
    ** Tax deductible amount of this sponsorship is $5406.

  • Your company signage on buffet tables, 1 Bay, up to 6 golfers, your company signage (8x10 inch) on your Bay table, mention on Young Life social media, opportunity to put company promotional swag in bags to all golfers, scrolling display of logo on TVs in banquet hall, public mention at the awards ceremony.
    Each golfer receives dinner, 2 beer/wine tickets, lifetime TopGolf membership, and tournament play.
    ** Tax deductible amount of this sponsorship is $3406.

  • Company logo on all silent auction website, logo on silent auction tables, logo at check in table with silent auction QR code, 1 Bay, for up to 6 golfers, company signage (8x10 inch) on your Bay table, mention on Young Life social media, opportunity to put company promotional swag in bags to all golfers, scrolling display of logo on TVs in banquet hall, public mention at the awards ceremony.
    Each golfer receives dinner, 2 beer/wine tickets, lifetime TopGolf membership, and tournament play.
    ** Tax deductible amount of this sponsorship is $2451.

  • Your logo on all drink tickets (each player receives 2), 1 Bay, up to 6 golfers, company signage (8x10 in) on your Bay table, mention on Young Life social media, opportunity to put company promotional swag in bags to all golfers, scrolling display of logo on TVs in banquet hall, public mention at the awards ceremony.
    Each golfer receives dinner, 2 beer/wine tickets, lifetime TopGolf membership, and tournament play.
    ** Tax deductible amount of this sponsorship is $1906.

  • Your own Bay, 6 golfers, your company signage (8x10 inch) on your Bay table, mention on Young Life social media, opportunity to put company promotional swag in bags to all golfers, scrolling display of logo on TVs in banquet hall.
    Each golfer receives dinner, 2 beer/wine tickets, lifetime TopGolf membership, and tournament play. ** Tax deductible amount of this sponsorship is $306.

  • Includes dinner, 2 beer/wine tickets, lifetime TopGolf membership, and tournament play. If you have people you'd like to play with, please list them in the "team requests" section.
    ** Tax deductible amount is $75.

  • This option is for those who do not want to play, but would like to come watch the tournament with friends and enjoy dinner & drinks.

Below you will be asked to provide information for each of your 6 players.  If you aren't sure who your players are yet, you may leave these blank.  We are able to make changes to this up until the start of play, but having this information now is helpful as we set up the tournament.


Golfer #2

Golfer #3

Golfer #4

Golfer #5

Golfer #6

Your current total for 6 Golfers is $1,100.00 (Show Summary)

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
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